Heat Transfer Technology AG prioritizes the thermal calculation of industrial heat exchangers resulting in optimized heat transfer and pressure losses.
Correspondingly HTT has a strong know-how in fluid mechanics of dimple plates made of stainless or mild steel.
HTT works in close technical exchange with the company BUCO Wärmeaustauscher International GmbH (Germany). BUCO has been working for more than 100 years with process engineering, thermodynamics and welding technology. The focus in process engineering is on the heat transfer and the calculation of heat exchangers . The focal point of production is the laser welding technology from the market leader Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG, which is decisive in our laser welding quality.
It guarantees the highest laser welding quality of plate coils in all manufactured products. BUCO refers on their long-standing knowledge and experience.
Our products and services comply with the highest quality standards and adapt to our clients’ specific needs.

Webpage: https://www.htt-ag.com/en/